[Past] a few foundations of analog video on breadboard

design and build your own vga-synthesizer!

an interactive six part online course with cyberboy666



next session will likely be around mid 2025 – join the waitlist here to be notified when these tickets go on sale

this is a beginner-friendly and hands-on creative course about making video-art with electronics. no experience or specialized tools are required – everything you need to get started building your own vga synthesizer on breadboard will be sent to you via the mail.

the course will run over six weeks, with each ~2-hour lesson touching on a different foundational concept of analog video. after briefly learning about some theory, you will follow schematics and breadboard diagrams together to build a module each week and experiment with the newly learnt concepts directly.

classes will be recorded in case you miss one – each lesson continues on from the last so it is recommended to build and have working last weeks module at least before we start the next one – help will be available via the chatroom between classes.

examples of content:

class outline will be:

i. passives
ii. comparators
iii. oscillators
iv. logic gates
v. multiplexers
vi. op-amps

course kit:

to build each video-synth module on breadboard you will use this custom-made  vga_breadboard_module interface, included (assembled and tested) in your course kit:

other things included in the course kit:

things you will need to source yourself:

wait-list form

spots in these classes will be limited to only 10 people per session

fill out the following form to be added to the class wait-list – when im ready to run a class i will work down the list inviting people to purchase a ticket – if there is more interest than can fit in a class dont worry – i will do it again and you will be closer in line for the next one !

unwaged and diversity tickets

i will reserve some tickets each session at a discounted price for people without income and / or who consider themselves under-represented in electronic media-art. if you would like to apply for these please indicate this in the wait-list form and you will receive an offer to purchase these discounted tickets as they become available

if you have any further questions feel free to write to me on tim@cyberboy666.com

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